SPF Chapstick – Why Wearing it Matters More Than You Think
When most people consider wearing sun protection, they think of needing to apply it to their face and body. It’s only natural to think in this way. However, the lips are an area that often gets forgotten and the skin there is perhaps the most vulnerable to UV damage. Thankfully, SPF chapstick exists to ensure that adequate protection is provided.
By incorporating a chapstick with SPF into your daily routine, you do much more than keep your lips moisturized. You also get a barrier that protects them from sun damage, aging, and more.
SPF Chapstick Protects Very Delicate Skin
The main reason why you should wear SPF chapstick on your lips is that the skin there is thinner and more delicate than on most areas of the body. If you continually subject them to UV ray exposure, it can lead not just to sunburn, but also to chronic damage. This can leave them dry, cracked and discolored.
An SPF-rated chapstick is a great way to negate the problem and provide your lips with the same level of care that you provide for the rest of your face. You wouldn’t intentionally forget to protect your nose from sunburn, so why neglect your lips?
Slowing Down the Signs of Aging
The sun represents one of the leading causes of premature aging and that certainly also applies to your lips. Repeated sun exposure often results in the breakdown of collagen – something that’s responsible for keeping your lips smooth and firm. When it’s not there, you end up with fine lines around your mouth, a loss of volume and a less youthful appearance.
Chapstick with SPF stops this collagen from being broken down while also preventing burning. As such, with one in your bag, you get to keep your lips kissable.
Preventing Chapping & Dryness
While the main function of a chapstick with SPF is to provide sun protection, it also serves to keep your lips nice and hydrated. Hot, sunny weather can quickly dehydrate the lips, leading to peeling, chapping and more than a little discomfort. However, chapsticks like these often contain nourishing ingredients like beeswax, shea butter, or coconut oil.
These ingredients help lock in moisture, protect your lips from the outside world and make them feel lovely and cared for. No matter if you’re running errands or spending the day at the beach, it takes only a few seconds to apply, giving you softer, healthier lips, no matter the weather.
Have You Got an SPF Chapstick to Protect Your Lips?
Wearing chapstick with SPF matters more than you might realize, for all the reasons we’ve covered here. It’s a simple, low-cost way to protect your skin from sun damage while keeping them looking youthful and hydrated. The question is – have you got one in your bag to safeguard your lips?
If not and you’re relying solely on regular sunscreen to protect your face, you might not be getting the complete barrier your face needs as a whole. As such, if you haven’t got a chapstick like this with you when you’re outside, you risk forgetting one of the areas that needs sun protection the most.