March 6, 2025

Ehsaas Program 2024: Financial Support Programme

  • September 25, 2024
  • 6 min read
Ehsaas Program 2024: Financial Support Programme

You all have heard about the BISP. BISP stands for Benazir Income Support Programme. This programme helps the poor people of the nation Pakistan. So under this programme the government has started a similar programme named Ehsaas Program 2024. This programme helps the women of the Pakistan and some other communities as well. If they are not doing good and their financial condition is not stable and they are poor, then such women’s will get the help from the government under this programme.

This programme has been started recently by keeping all the things in mind for the communities those who are facing financial challenges. Economic condition of Pakistan is not that good and the inflation is too high in Pakistan. In last few years the inflation touched the peak. Such condition affected a lot of people in Pakistan. Women’s are poor and supporting their family or if they are married and running their family then they can get the assistance or the help from this scheme.

Prologue: Ehsaas Program 2024

This programme helps such women’s those who are running their family by their own. If such women are not financially stable, then they will get the help from this scheme. As there are some criteria to get the benefits of this scheme. Then if a woman is running a family and have kids and she is a single mother then also they will get the help from this scheme. Apart from women’s they also assist people those who are above the age of 60. As they are not financially stable and good then they will also get the assistance. People of above age 60 gets the helps due to their age as they are the senior citizens.

They will not be able to work very hard in many jobs to get a proper income through which they can manage their expenses. Then the transgender community also gets the benefit from this scheme. As transgender community also faces a lot of financial condition. Moreover, they also face a lot of issues in getting good work at a good place. So because of such cases the transgender community gets the benefit form the scheme of Ehsaas.

Monthly Financial Support: Ehsaas Program 2024

The eligible and the registered candidates will get the income every month in their account directly. They just need to get themselves registered. We will talk about the registration in the rest of the article ahead. So right now we are talking about the monthly support that the eligible candidates will get. The eligible candidates will get PKR 14000 in their account directly in every month. Through the help of this stipend now many of the women, transgender, and the senior citizens are able to reach their daily needs.

The families are getting the full assistance in regard to the studies of the kids, daily needs, health support for the medication, and many more things. So this scheme ah shown a lot of change in the society as the targeted communities are now getting good lifestyle. A good lifestyle here means they are getting what a normal human needs to survive their life and the necessary services. Moreover, they are also aware the citizens those who can get the benefits of this scheme but not aware of this scheme. So they are getting this information through the people or the beneficiaries.

Procedure of Registration

  • The user can easily register themselves to this scheme. Steps are given below:
  • First of all, the person needs to visit the official website of this programme
  • After that they need to click on the registration
  • Then the process will start in which they will be asked to fill some of the required details
  • Applicant needs to fill all those details as they are needed for the registration
  • Then after submitting all the details in the given spot or place just click on the submit button
  • This will be a form in which you will enter all your details
  • These details will verify whether you are eligible or not and are you really a person in need to the benefits of this scheme
  • If your data will be verified and all the details provided by the applicant is right, then they will get the message or the notification on their phone that they are a registered candidate of this scheme now.

Procedure of Registration in Office

Now the another way of registering to this programme is the offline way. The government has set up a lot of offices and tehsils of Benazir Programme. There applicant can visit and can complete their registration.

  • First of all, the user needs to visit any of the nearby tehsil or the office of Benazir Programme
  • Then they need to contact to the allotted person which they will meet by visiting there
  • After that the person will help them with the form and the asked details which they need to fill
  • In the form it is already mentioned that what are the details the applicant needs to submit
  • Still if the person will not get what it is written as there can be an illiterate person who get some difficulty in understanding all these things
  • So the person will assist in the very right way and will help properly to such people that what and how to fill the form
  • Once the person will fill the form then their form will be submitted in the system and then it will be verified
  • Once it will be verified then they will get the certificate and the notification on their phone
  • This offline way is there to help some of the people who are not eligible to understand the digital process or they are not prone to internet
Ehsaas Program 2024
Ehsaas Program 2024


Lastly, we want to say that the Pakistan government is keeping an eagle eye on their citizens those who are not getting the good financial support from anywhere. So to support such people for their daily needs they are doing their level best. These scheme also showed good results and many people are joining this scheme. If you are also facing any hard financial condition, then go and apply for it.

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